Friday, May 28, 2010


Motor cross riding is a tough sport that takes good skill.
 You will get better every time you ride on a new course.
 Every time you get on a bike you think great another day racing. But in it is a new challenge. If you do it the right way you will find it is fun.
The rules are simple.
Don’t try to do too much at once. Always try to remember to concentrate on the trails. You will find all kinds of different obstacles as you go.
Down Hill .

Down hill takes a lot of skill. Going down hill is a lot of fun but it is also challenging. Be sure you use the clutch and brakes when you need to.

The Motor.

A dirt bike engines are placed high in the frame so that they can clear any rocks that get in the way or any fallen trees.
Dirt bikes motor and gas tanks are placed in the middle of the bike so that the bike is balanced.

Appropriate Clothing .

A motor cross rider has to wear a special top called a jersey and pants called nylons and boots.
A motor cross rider has a different helmet than a road rider.
They have a pair of goggles that fit firmly inside the helmet. They also have a vest called body armour.
And they have proper gloves.


Types Of Bikes.

There are all types of different dirt bikes,

  • Yamaha YZ.,WR.DT.

  • Honda CR,CRM,CRX.

  • Suzuki RM DR RMX.

  • Kawasaki KX, KDX,KLX KLR. 

  •  Husqvarna WR TM.

  • Husaberg FE.

  • . Husaberg EXC SX.

They have to be light and strong to handle the rough tracks. They have to be strong enough to handle the jumps and really steep hills and even trees to dodge and jump.

Enduro Bikes

An enduro bike is almost the same as a motor cross bike.
Except an enduro bike has a light and different style of frame and plastics.
Most enduro bikes are four stroke.

Comparing Bikes

A dirt bike is a lot different to a road bike.
For instance a road bike has a little suspension as for a dirtbike it has lots.
Dirt bikes are for motocross and street bikes are for racing around a tarmac course.

Bike Features

Knobbies are good for the dirt they give the bike good traction through the dirt mud and sand.
 With no knobbies the bike would have no traction at all without knobbies you wouldn’t have much control over the bike.